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South Africans are heirs to an unlikely democracy given the more than 365-year history of colonialism and apartheid in our country, which has indelibly affected our land, heritage and human rights.

Amongst the historically vast array of discriminatory legislation in South Africa, it was the Land Act of 1913 that spatially segregated our people through land dispossession. It amplified the vast canyon of inequality, further shattered the social fabric of communities and radically compromised the economic development of the majority of our citizens. 

Our long struggle for freedom only came after the first democratic elections in 1994, when we could hope for the restitution of land, reclamation of heritage, restoration of dignity and recognition of human rights, within the constitution of South Africa.

Whilst it is evident that significant advances have been made since the dawn of democracy, much more work needs to be done to ensure that we create a non-racial, non-sexist, peaceful and prosperous democratic country. Consequently, it remains critical for us to continuously engage in national dialogue about our political, socio-economic and cultural progress towards a more humane and equal South Africa.


The purpose of the symposium is to bring together academics, lawyers, foundations, students, communities, land owners, land claimants, the land claims commission and relevant government departments amongst others, to examine the following:

  1. Bureaucratic;
  2. Legal
  3. Constitutional

Constraints that slows down land redistribution and restitution, as well as to explore policy and legislative options necessary to break the impasse and bring radically inclusive socio-economic growth that is so critical to our democracy.

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The Symposium on Land, Heritage and Human Rights is especially important because our accelerated reflection, contemplation and action is required to address these vexing national questions, in strengthening the social contract with our people.

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The next symposium date to be announced.


The next symposium venue to be announced.




The National Forum has held the following two symposia:

Pretoria: 19 April 2017

Limpopo: 19 June 2017

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Registration is free for all participants.
